May 21, 2020

Contact: Marcus Starr,

Newly Launched Climate Vote Minnesota Created to Elect Climate Action Majority

Group will launch robust campaign to ensure voters know where their state legislators stand on climate policy

Minneapolis—Today, Climate Vote Minnesota filed paperwork with the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board as an Independent Expenditure Political Committee. A nonpartisan organization, Climate Vote Minnesota has been established to elect candidates who champion policies that protect the climate for current and future generations.  

Through a multi-channel communications campaign, Climate Vote Minnesota plans to invest heavily in 2020 to ensure voters are informed of the decisions their legislators have made related to climate policy. Public opinion surveys show that pro-climate policies can be a deciding factor among independent and persuadable voters as a vast majority of Minnesotans support measures such as 100% clean energy by 2050.

“Climate change is a bipartisan issue for Minnesotans. This is a crisis that has impacted or will impact our way of life in every corner of the state. For far too long those in power have ignored advice from public health experts. We have witnessed what happens when we ignore scientists warning of a pending pandemic. We can’t afford to let elected officials make the same mistakes with climate change—that would put future generations of Minnesotans at risk,” said Marcus Starr, Chair of Climate Vote Minnesota. “Minnesotans know how to take collective action. We’ve adapted to social distancing practices in the face of a worldwide pandemic and this demonstrates what’s possible when we all do our part. Think about what we could achieve together to reduce pollution and mitigate climate change. Legislators in office must be part of this fight.” 

Climate Vote Minnesota is a nonpartisan organization working to elect candidates who champion policies that protect our climate for current and future generations. The organization plans to invest in the 2020 election to make sure voters know where state legislators stand on climate policy. More information is available at: