A real estate agent and high school football coach, Dan Wolgamott was elected to the Legislature in 2018 and has quickly risen as an important member of the DFL Caucus, serving as Assistant Majority Leader and Speaker Pro Tempore. Wolgamott has developed a strong voting record in the House, and he continues to prioritize the environment on his campaign, promoting emissions reduction, green energy, and clean water.
Climate Action & Clean Energy
Voted to transition Minnesota to 100% carbon-free energy by 2040
Voted to make Minnesota more competitive in obtaining federal grant money to support clean energy projects across the state
Land, Air, & Water
Co-authored legislation requiring companies who use plastic and paper packaging to reduce harmful waste by making products recyclable, reusable or compostable, and transition Minnesota towards a zero-waste future
Co-authored legislation establishing an aid fund for soil and water conservation districts across to state to help them continue their work protecting Minnesota’s most cherished resources
Voted to approve a ballot question to renew the constitutional dedication of lottery dollars to the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund
Public Health & Environmental Responsibility
Voted to replace all public lead water lines in the state by 2033 and establishing a grant program to fund local removal projects
Susan Ek previously ran for a Minnesota House seat in 2005. During that campaign, she focused on anti-choice and anti-LGBTQ+ stances, which she still touts in interviews and on her website.
Climate Action & Clean Energy
Has not made a single reference to climate or energy issues on her campaign website, in her platform, or on her campaign’s Twitter or Facebook accounts (as of September 10)
Land, Air, & Water
Has not made a single reference to issues around clean air, water, or conservation on her campaign website, in her platform, or on her campaign’s Twitter or Facebook accounts (as of September 10)
Public Health & Environmental Responsibility
Has not made a single reference to the environment or public health on her campaign website, in her platform, or on her campaign’s Twitter or Facebook accounts (as of September 10)