House District 18A

North Mankato | Saint Peter | Courtland | Kasota

District map

Jeff Brand



Representative Brand was first elected to the Minnesota House of Representatives in 2018, and after losing his seat in 2020, returned to the legislature in 2022. In both of his terms, Brand has championed many important environmental issues, from clean water and PFAS remediation to carbon-free energy.

Climate Action & Clean Energy

Land, Air, & Water

Public Health & Environmental Responsibility

  • Co-authored legislation to replace all public lead water lines in the state by 2033 and establish a grant program to fund local removal projects

  • Authored legislation banning PFAS in certain products in Minnesota, and regulating companies who make products using these chemical, to ensure they transition away from using PFAS

Erica Schwartz



Erica Schwartz touts her more extreme Republican positions in her campaign thus far. She has said little about her positions regarding the environment or Minnesota’s natural resources.

Climate Action & Clean Energy

Land, Air, & Water

  • Website and social media make no reference to issues around natural resources, clean air or water, or conservation in general

Public Health & Environmental Responsibility

  • Website and social media make no reference to issues of public or environmental health, environmental justice or stewardship