Stephenson, seeking his fourth term in the Minnesota House of Representatives, has proven to be a strong champion of environmental issues in his time at the legislature. As chair of the House Commerce Committee, Stephenson serves an important role in protecting Minnesota residents and consumers, and has been crucial to passing legislation around renewable energy goals and regulatory concerns.
Climate Action & Clean Energy
Co-authored legislation calling for Minnesota to transition to 100% carbon-free energy by 2040
Co-authored legislation to establish the Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority (MN-CIFA) to increase investment financing for clean energy projects across the state
Authored legislation launching a pilot program for thermal energy networks to help decarbonize buildings on a neighborhood and street scale and speed up the reduction of residential greenhouse gas emissions
Authored legislation to prioritize the purchase of electric vehicles for agencies or other state fleets, positioning the state to lead on cutting transportation emissions
Land, Air, & Water
Co-authored legislation approving a ballot question to renew the constitutional dedication of lottery dollars to the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund
Co-authored legislation establishing a statewide Lawns to Legumes grant program to allow for increased native plants and pollinator-friendly habitats
Co-authored legislation establishing an aid fund for soil and water conservation districts across to state to help them continue their work protecting Minnesota’s most cherished resources
Public Health & Environmental Responsibility
Voted to replace all public lead water lines in the state by 2033 and establish a grant program to fund local removal projects
Josh Jungling’s website highlights his position on decreasing government spending and makes no mention of environmental issues or Minnesota’s natural resources.
Climate Action & Clean Energy
Website and social media make no reference to clean energy issues or plans
Land, Air, & Water
Website and social media make no reference to issues around natural resources, clean air or water, or conservation in general
Public Health & Environmental Responsibility
Website and social media make no reference to issues of public or environmental health, environmental justice or stewardship