House District 35A

Anoka | Coon Rapids

District map

Zack Stephenson



Stephenson, seeking his fourth term in the Minnesota House of Representatives, has proven to be a strong champion of environmental issues in his time at the legislature. As chair of the House Commerce Committee, Stephenson serves an important role in protecting Minnesota residents and consumers, and has been crucial to passing legislation around renewable energy goals and regulatory concerns.

Climate Action & Clean Energy

Land, Air, & Water

Public Health & Environmental Responsibility

Josh Jungling



Josh Jungling’s website highlights his position on decreasing government spending and makes no mention of environmental issues or Minnesota’s natural resources.

Climate Action & Clean Energy

Land, Air, & Water

  • Website and social media make no reference to issues around natural resources, clean air or water, or conservation in general

Public Health & Environmental Responsibility

  • Website and social media make no reference to issues of public or environmental health, environmental justice or stewardship