A Coon Rapids City Council member and former biology teacher, Rehrauer is running on a pro-climate, pro-environment platform. In Coon Rapids, Rehrauer has championed local sustainability efforts. Now, she’s centering her campaign for the MN House of Representatives on incentivizing clean energy initiatives and reinforcing water and electric infrastructure in Minnesota, making a strong, consistent commitment to the future of our environment.
Climate Action & Clean Energy
Supports initiatives to promote renewable energy and a green economy to lower energy costs in the long run and bring good paying jobs to Minnesota
Land, Air, & Water
Endorsed by Clean Water Action for her strong stance on protecting Minnesota’s water and environment
Public Health & Environmental Responsibility
Approved a new pedestrian bridge in Coon Rapids to connect more community members to the Coon Creek Regional Trail, increasing access to walking trails and the outdoors
Pape’s campaign has few policy details available currently, he appears to be a strong social and fiscal conservative who falls in line with the Minnesota GOP on issues like abortion rights.
Climate Action & Clean Energy
Does not list any goals or priorities for clean energy on his website or social media
Land, Air, & Water
Lists the Environment on his website, where he states, “Clean and Sustainable Air, Water, Food and Agriculture.” But does not expand on what this means to him or what policies he would support
Public Health & Environmental Responsibility
No mention of environmental responsibility, public health, PFAS, or other similar issues on his website or social media