A former judge and Proctor City attorney, and lifelong resident of northeast Minnesota, Munger chose to run to ensure a better world for his young grandchildren and future generations. This includes, among other things, several stated goals around protecting Minnesota’s natural resources, protecting clean water and air for every Minnesotan, and other important environmental measures.
Munger is the nephew of influential environmental legislator Willard Munger. Mark wrote the biography Mr. Environment: The Willard Munger Story to honor his uncle's legacy.
Climate Action & Clean Energy
Website states he will “support initiatives that promote renewable energy sources to combat climate change”
Land, Air, & Water
Website states he is a champion for responsible environmental stewardship and has pledged to protect Minnesota’s air, land and water from degradation
Endorsed by several environmental groups such as Friends of the Boundary Waters Action Network, Climate Cabinet, Minnesota DFL Environment Caucus, and others
Public Health & Environmental Responsibility
Describes Minnesota’s outdoor and natural resources as “integral to our identity and way of life”
A first-term representative, Natalie Zeleznikar quickly aligned herself with the far-right wing of the Minnesota GOP. She broadly opposes the transition to renewable energy, green technologies, and the state’s overall environmental goals. On her website, she touts no environmental priorities for her next term if re-elected.
Climate Action & Clean Energy
Authored legislation to increase the surcharge on electric vehicles in Minnesota, significantly hindering efforts to eliminate transportation emissions
Co-authored legislation to repeal Clean Cars rules, continuing the use of polluting fossil fuels in Minnesota’s transportation sector
Co-authored legislation to exempt out of state energy from Minnesota’s carbon-free rule, undermining Minnesota’s 100% by 2040 goal
Voted no on the 2024 Tax Omnibus Bill which contained permitting reforms for renewable energy projects to make them faster and easier to approve and develop
Land, Air, & Water
Voted no on the 2024 Environment and Natural Resources Finance Omnibus Bill, voting against changes to clean up Minnesota’s waste stream, continue clean water investments, increase new tree planting across the state, and more
Public Health & Environmental Responsibility
No references to environmental issues on her website