November 2, 2020

Contact: Marcus Starr,

Climate Group Becomes Major Player in Minnesota’s Electoral Landscape

Largest investment ever by an environmental group ensures climate as a top issue among voters

Minneapolis­—With the pressing threats of climate change at our doorsteps, the environment could no longer wait to claim its space in the crowded electoral arena. Therefore in May, newcomer Climate Vote MN was launched to ensure champions of climate were elected to the Minnesota Senate. With investments of just over $700,000, Climate Vote MN ran the largest environmental independent expenditure campaign in Minnesota history and proved it will be a group that will remain a key player in future election cycles.

Climate Vote MN made the strategic decision to invest in reaching voters as early voting began. Throughout late September and early October, Climate Vote MN spent more on Facebook and other digital platforms than most other independent groups, resulting in candidates featuring climate as a major part of their platforms. In addition to efforts in the digital space, the group implemented direct mail, print media, billboard, and TV strategies to round out the campaign. The highly targeted direct mail program cost approximately $75,000, and TV ads highlighting the anti-climate agenda of Senators Carla Nelson and Karin Housley cost $170,000.

The campaign focused on introducing voters to six climate champions and revealing the incumbent senators’ legislative voting record and anti-environmental actions. While final numbers won’t be available until after Election Day, preliminary numbers show the following expenditures by candidate:

District SD 14

Against Jerry Relph: $8,000
For Aric Putnam: $66,500

District SD 26

Against Carla Nelson: $85,000
For Aleta Borrud: $70,000

District SD 34

Against Warren Limmer: $7,000
For Bonnie Westlin: $48,500

District SD 38

Against Roger Chamberlain: $23,000
For Justin Stofferahn: $73,500

District SD 39

Against Karin Housley: $139,000
For Josiah Hill: $68,500

District SD 56

Against Dan Hall: $16,000
For Lindsey Port: $49,000

“I’m confident on election night the intent of Minnesota voters will be clear. I believe we’ll see voters favored candidates who will follow science and fight for policies that address the pressing issue of climate change instead of protecting the interests of big oil and coal,” said Marcus Starr, Chair of Climate Vote MN. “Minnesota is on the precipice of major climate action, and with our climate champions in the state legislature, we expect bold legislation to make Minnesota a leader in the transition to 100% clean energy.”

Climate Vote Minnesota is a nonpartisan organization working to elect candidates who champion policies that protect our climate for current and future generations. The organization is investing over $700,000 in the 2020 election to make sure voters know where their state senate candidates stand on climate and environmental policy.
