September 28, 2022
Contact: Marcus Starr,
Climate Group to Invest Over $1 Million
in Minnesota Elections
Climate Remains a Top 5 Issue for MN Voters
Minneapolis—The issues to debate this midterm are plentiful, but voters should understand that this election will also define Minnesota’s role in the fight against climate change and our tradition of environmental conservation.
To ensure Minnesotans know which candidates plan to act on climate change and protect our Great Outdoors, Climate Vote MN will spend over 1 million dollars during the 2022 election cycle. Spending on a robust digital campaign began in mid-September, with the direct mail program starting this week. Climate Vote MN’s campaigns include the Governor and AG races as well as targeted state senate and house races.
Poll after poll shows Minnesota voters know that addressing climate change and protecting the environment are issues forward-thinking candidates must prioritize. In a recent poll commissioned by MPR, the Star Tribune, and KARE 11, climate change and the environment remained a top 5 issues for voters when they decided their vote for Governor.
“Minnesotans take pride in our Great Outdoors and the deeply rooted traditions of pond hockey and fishing, but those things are at risk if we don’t have responsible leaders at all levels of government,” said Marcus Starr, Chair of Climate Vote MN. “Voters have lots to consider when selecting their preferred candidates. We’re making sure voters understand which candidates have the courage to protect our climate and future generations of Minnesotans.”
Climate Vote MN made history in 2020 when it made the largest political campaign investment ever by an environmental group. Spending this cycle will outpace 2020 by nearly $300,000, ensuring climate change issues remain a top issue for voters and elected officials.
Climate Vote MN is a nonpartisan organization working to elect candidates who champion policies that protect our climate for current and future generations. The organization was established in the 2020 election to ensure voters know where their state candidates stand on climate and the Great Outdoors.